15 FBI Agents Close NASCAR Noose Case. Bubba Says NOT SO FAST! | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 563

A note from FBI agent Peter Strzok has come out putting former President Obama and presidential candidate Joe Biden in a bad light. Were they behind the Michael Flynn investigation? Fifteen FBI agents said that the noose found in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s garage was not actually a hate crime. It was simply a rope used to close a garage. But Bubba Wallace is not satisfied with the response. Again, FIFTEEN FBI agents said it was not a hate crime. A county in Oregon says everyone MUST wear masks due to COVID-19 except for … “people of color.” So in the spirit of “wokeness,” we don’t care if the virus spreads anymore? Lastly, a new poll has come out with Joe Biden in the lead. Should President Trump be worried?

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