7.8M Have Already Voted in the 2022 Midterms | Trailer | Facts Matter

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Despite there being an official date for the midterm elections, many states offer their citizens the ability to vote beforehand. This is done through either mail-in ballots or in-person early voting. And it seems like many people across the entire country are taking advantage of this opportunity, and indeed voting early.

In fact, according to data from the U.S. Election Project, as of Monday morning, 7.5 million people have already voted early across the United States—which is a massive increase compared to the last midterm election that was held four years ago. Specifically, looking at their online report, 7.5 million people have voted early, with 1.6 million doing it in person, and another 5.8 million having voted early through a mail-in ballot.

Furthermore, 17 of the states actually release data regarding the party affiliation of the individuals who voted early.

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7.8M Have Already Voted in the 2022 Midterms; Judge Declares Absentee Ballot Law ‘Unconstitutional’ | Trailer | Facts Matter
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