How One FBI Agent Lived Up to His Oath–And Told the Truth | Trailer | Words That Matter

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Author of “True Blue,” former FBI agent Steven Friend tells Lee Smith he knew something was wrong with the Bureau after he was lied to about the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case. So, can the FBI be fixed or is it game over for the world’s most famous law enforcement agency?
01:03 Steven Friend, author, “True Blue,” and FBI whistleblower
01:33 From a CPA accountant to a FBI officer
04:55 Most Americans don’t know what the FBI really does
06:56 What is a day like for an FBI agent?
09:12 FBI corruption and a whistleblower’s story
16:42 Friend was on SWAT team in Whitmer case
17:31 Friend saw that Whitmer case was fake
18:41 Friend stood by oath and training
20:31 Friend: Many FBI agents are just punching the clock
22:17 The “Suspendables” are FBI whistleblowers
24:57 Friend backs law to limit FBI reach in red states
25:35 Empowering local law enforcement
28:56 FBI uses terrorism cases to investigate political opponents
30:34 Friend highlights instances of FBI entrapment
32:31 FBI’s tactics and reform
36:07 FBI wants more crime, local cops want less
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How One FBI Agent Lived Up to His Oath–And Told the Truth | Trailer | Words That Matter

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