Exodus Explained: Moses, the Red Sea, and the Ten Commandments
Exodus is full of huge, dramatic stories you’ve heard of whether you’ve been around the Bible for a long time or not.
If you like this, you might enjoy my daily, audio-only podcast called The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast where we pick a book of the Bible and then work through it one little bit at a time everyday until we’re done. You can get that anywhere you get podcasts or right here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6WUAPaOoEQwyseVZXqfwvq?si=c147a7d4325c4ab2
If you see what I’m going for with this and you want to support it, you can learn more about that at https://www.thetmbh.com/support
Opening Music: “Shadowman” by Rooktown, written by Jeff Foote – Listen to the track and the full album, “The Clamour and the Crash” here: https://open.spotify.com/track/0pvITdgMcgFd5X9fk2D1Ke?si=a42c0b6087144e78