What Should I Do When I See Pornography?

Many children will encounter some form of pornography prior to age 12. Some will go back to look at more. Parents or trusted adults can help prepare them so they know what to do when they see pornography. This video teaches children what pornography is, why it’s harmful, and three simple action steps they can do when see pornography:

Call it what it is.
Turn it off or turn away.
Talk to a parent or trusted adult.
If children have gone back to look at more pornography, the principles in the video encourage them to get help right away. Children can also feel reassured that God loves them, that their parents love them, and that their parents will help.

Parents have the primary responsibility for teaching and protecting their children. This video is provided to assist them in that sacred purpose and is not for group instruction of children.

Special appreciation to Kristen A. Jenson and Dr. Gail Poyner, authors of Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids ©, for their assistance in the development of some of the concepts found in What Should I Do When I See Pornography? Video.

Learn more about how you can approach this subject with your family:

Family Home Evening Lesson: What Should I Do If I See Pornography? https://overcomingpornography.org/spouses-and-families/what-do-i-do?lang=eng

Family Conversations – Mormon Channel: https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/family-conversations

Mormon Channel Blog Post – Talking to Kids about Avoiding Pornography: http://www.mormonchannel.org/blog/post/goal-setting-talking-to-kids-about-avoiding-pornography

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