FBI Raid on PV Journalist Shows Armed Agents Clutching Weapons & Ransacking Home at Biden DOJ Order

BREAKING: Video of Unconstitutional FBI Raid on Project Veritas Journalist’s Home; Armed Agents Scream ‘Let Me See Your Hands!’

• Shocking footage published Tuesday afternoon shows the moment FBI agents raided the home of a Project Veritas journalist last November. In the video, the armed agents are heard shouting “let me see your hands!”
• In addition to clutching their weapons, multiple agents are seen searching the home of the Project Veritas journalist, rummaging through the closets, bedroom and the kitchen.
• The journalist can be heard multiple times on the footage, most audibly exclaiming “my hands are up,” as agents enter the home.
• The raid and seizures were executed at the behest of the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice despite Attorney General Merrick Garland’s vow to respect press freedoms.
• The Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press decried the raid on Project Veritas in court and through public statements, as has the ACLU.
[NEW YORK – Mar. 15, 2022] Project Veritas released never-before-seen footage of last November’s FBI raid on the home of one its journalists. The shocking footage shows the tense moments when several agents banged on the door screaming, “Open up!” Once the journalist opened the door, several FBI agents shouted, “Let me see your hands!”

Agents are seen on the footage clutching weapons and tossing belongings after a brief conversation with the journalist.

The raid stems from a Project Veritas decision to investigate a diary that belonged to then Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley.

The Department of Justice executed the tense raids despite Project Veritas’ decision not to publish the diary’s contents and to turn it over to authorities.

Back in November, the ALCU issued letters to the court saying the raid had “serious consequences for press freedom.” The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press issued a motion to unseal information pertaining to the Department of Justice’s unusual decision to carry out raids against journalists. The Society of Professional Journalists and the Committee to Protect Journalists also issued statements expressing concern for the “harmful precedent” set by the raids.
“What you have just seen is an effort by the government to intimidate and silence us as journalists…We will stand firm to vindicate our own First Amendment rights, fight for the rights of our fellow journalists, and all Americans. We cannot and will not be intimidated. Stay tuned, because we are just getting started.”