States Prepare Lawsuits to Save Wood Stoves From EPA | Trailer | Crossroads

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As the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tries to ban certain types of gas stoves in the United States, and by extension cripple the pizza restaurant industry, 10 states are now looking to sue to protect the rights of people to make high-quality pizza. And in other news, the government was supposed to declassify documents about the assassination of JFK, and has instead chosen to keep the documents hidden from the public yet again. RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson are questioning why this is.

In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.

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States Prepare Lawsuits to Save Wood Stoves From EPA | Trailer | Crossroads

#Lawsuits #assassinationnation #pizza

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