A Mother’s Fight Against Child Sexual Grooming, and the Legal Hurdles in Place | Trailer

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The act of sexual grooming is when an adult establishes an emotional connection with a minor in order to (over the course of days, weeks, months, or sometimes even years) induce them to engage in some sort of sexual activity.
It’s a very insidious crime because while on the surface it might sometimes just look like playful banter, under the surface, the adult’s intention is to eventually take advantage of that child.
While I was at the Conservative Political Action Conference this year in Washington, I met a woman who told me the story of how her son was groomed by his teacher. She explained the challenges parents face when fighting against real grooming—specifically, the fact that the legal framework in this arena is not that extensive.
Here is the story of Michelle Peterson.
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A Mother’s Fight Against Child Sexual Grooming, and the Legal Hurdles in Place | Trailer

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