Anti-Trump FBI agent, Fusion &DOJ’s Ohr at Prague in early ‘16.Early start of the conspiracy?|Teaser

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FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault, a name previously unknown to most SpyGate sleuths, was recently brought to the public’s attention through some astonishing revelations from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Politically motivated activism by Thibault included the shutting down of an investigation into Hunter Biden in October 2020. Thibault did so by labeling information relating to Hunter as false information—even though many of the details were known to be accurate at the time. Grassley said that Thibault’s Democratic National Committee (DNC) partisanship had “impacted his official decision-making on sensitive public corruption investigations” and had “likely affected investigations briefed to, and approved by, senior Justice Department and FBI officials.” But there was another new piece of information within Grassley’s disclosures that’s been bothering us of late: Thibault’s association and interaction with Bruce and Nellie Ohr in Prague.

Grassley disclosed that Thibault, “while overseeing and directing the FBI’s most significant federal public corruption investigations, traveled to the Czech Republic to attend the same seminar with Bruce and Nellie Ohr in late February 2016.” As we shall see, that trip to Prague was more integrated and potentially much more significant than Grassley’s letter has indicated. Grassley rightly observed that, at the time of the trip, Nellie Ohr was employed by Fusion GPS, working to fabricate anti-Trump propaganda for use by the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, and she was also involved in the fake Alfa-Bank narrative. Her husband Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ official, was instrumental in pushing the Steele dossier, along with information from Glenn Simpson, into the FBI, and he maintained close contact with Steele until November 2017. Of particular note is the fact that in the days that followed the February 2016 Czech conference, the FBI’s New York field office suddenly requested permission to open an investigation into Carter Page.

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Anti-Trump FBI agent, Fusion &DOJ’s Ohr at Prague in early ‘16.Early start of the conspiracy?|Teaser
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