Entries by AwakenWithJP

New Revelations on the COVID Death Count

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8rtiuq0y91s4ezj/AADA7xyRZsYbcze8uFX3vSjWa?dl=0 You’re more than welcome upload this video to any and all of your social platforms. Just download the video from the above dropbox link and then upload it to wherever you’d like! We’ll make the censors work a little harder for their money. With the stunning information just released by the CDC about the […]

If the Founding Fathers Were on Mushrooms

Grab Your Enzymes Here – https://masszymes.com/jp Featuring my very talented co-star Brent Pella. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/brentpella/ What would happen if the founding fathers were on mushrooms when the right the Bill of Rights and the Constitutional Amendments? The world would probably be a little different today. And today’s issues might not be […]

How To Find True Love for Dysfunctional People

Grab your LMNT Electrolytes Here – https://drinklmnt.com/jp Dysfunctional people deserve true love too. For the first time ever, here is a relationship instructional video to help dysfunctional people find true love. Dating for dysfunctional people can now result in truly dysfunctional love. *For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/ -My NEW Awakened Shirts are available! […]

Fighting Censorship – Interview with Brian Rose

Speech censoring is becoming frighteningly common. What is really going on and what can you do? Here’s my in depth interview with, Brian Rose of London Real, the man leading the charge! *For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/ -My NEW Awakened Shirts are available! Claim yours here: https://awakenwithjp.com/shop Listen and Subscribe to my NEW […]

How to Offend Everyone

Check out BLUblox, my favorite evidence based blue light glasses: https://www.blublox.com/jp To get 15% off, use the discount code: JP People just aren’t getting offended enough. You might know how to get offended, but do you know how to offend everyone? This video will help strengthen your position in cancel culture. *For Comedy Show schedule […]

How Couples Were in January vs August 2020

Get your Cacao Bliss Here – https://earthechofoods.com/jpsears How were couples in January vs August of 2020? Pre-pandemic couples had lots to look forward to in their relationships, including love. Since the lockdown hit, things have changed. Examine the various nuances that have changed in relationships! *For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/ -My NEW Awakened […]

How People Cancel Each Other

This video is written and directed by my canceled co-star Brent Pella. Please subscribe to his channel and cancel him more: https://www.youtube.com/c/brentpella/ Canceling everyone who doesn’t think like you is the goal. All parts of culture that aren’t cancel culture should be canceled. If you’re a social justice warrior who has your degree in being […]

ONE PLY TOILET PAPER: The Dumbest Invention Ever

Get your Magnesium Here – https://MagnesiumBreakthrough.com/JP Humans Aren’t Real T-shirt – https://amzn.to/30sc5og Here’s why one ply toilet paper is the dumbest invention ever. The world would be a better place without it. Why is one ply toilet paper so thin? Why do people by 1-ply toilet paper? Luckily there’s never been a worse invention than […]

How to Become a Narcissist

Grab your LMNT Electrolytes Here – https://drinklmnt.com/jp Ever wonder how to become a narcissist? Now you won’t have to wonder how to achieve narcissism. Many get jealous of all the criticism and therefore attention that narcissists get. No longer do you have to be limited if you’ve never been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, you’ll […]

The Insanity of Picking a Side – Authentic JP

Grab your Awakened Shirt here – https://awakenwithjp.com/shop With politics, the idea of picking a side and then being against the other side, while believing that will somehow help the world has become normal. The problem is this practice has insanity, greed, power, and divisiveness at its roots. Gearing up for the election the “pick a […]