Entries by Ben Shapiro

THIS Is Actual Racism…

Ibram X. Kendi is one of the great grifters of our time, making millions of dollars off of claiming that America is a racist country. Demonizing white people is a weird way to earn money as a successful black man. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://get.dailywireplus.com/member-block/ben-shapiro 2️⃣ Become a […]

Did FSU Football Deserve THIS? | With @CrainAndCompany

Joining me today is Jake Crain of @CrainAndCompany to discuss college football and Daily Wire’s newest comedy, Lady Ballers. Stream Lady Ballers now, exclusively on DailyWire+. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://get.dailywireplus.com/member-block/ben-shapiro 2️⃣ Become a DailyWire+ member to gain access to movies, shows, documentaries, and more: https://bit.ly/3lfVtwK 3️⃣ Watch […]

STOP Treating Beyoncé Like God

The New York Times published an article about Beyoncé in the wake of her new documentary, calling her a “goddess” and a “religious prophet.” If you’re going to refer to somebody as a prophet, they should be talking about God and actually prophesying. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://get.dailywireplus.com/member-block/ben-shapiro […]

The Pope Is On A Roll…

Pope Francis recently called for the elimination of fossil fuels, urging for “climate change progress.” He should spend more time talking about spiritual conversion, not ecological conversion. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://get.dailywireplus.com/member-block/ben-shapiro 2️⃣ Become a DailyWire+ member to gain access to movies, shows, documentaries, and more: https://bit.ly/3lfVtwK 3️⃣ […]