Entries by Ben Shapiro

The Twilight of The Elite Ruling Class | Ep. 1536

LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at https://expressvpn.com/benshapiroshow After promising that their expertise would guide Americans through economic hardship, foreign policy chaos, and global pandemics, the experts have destroyed their own credibility – but still insist you mimic their values. 00:00 […]

So Many Buzz Words, So Few Arguments

#Shorts #BenShapiro #News #Politics #DailyWire #React #Reaction #TikTok #Woke #WokeTikTok #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #RoeVWadeOverturned #RoeVsWadeOverturned #Abortion #ProLife #ProChoice #OBGYN #BuzzWords #Experts #PregnantPeople #Healthcare #MedicalExperts #Essential #BodilyAutonomy SOURCE

How Joe Biden Is Stopping Oil Production

#Shorts #BenShapiro #News #Politics #DailyWire #QAndA #Question #Answer #QuestionAndAnswer #Biden #BidenAdministration #JoeBiden #President #PresidentBiden #PresidentJoeBiden #Oil #OilProduction #Investment #Invest #OilProducers #ESG #OilLease #OilWells SOURCE

The Problem With Empathy

#Shorts #BenShapiro #News #Politics #DailyWire #QAndA #Question #Answer #QuestionAndAnswer #Empathy #Church #Religion #Religious #NIV #Bible #NIVBible #Value #Sympathy #Values #Moral #Morals #Mercy #Compassion SOURCE

The REAL History Of Feminism That Leftists DON'T Want You To Understand

This video is sponsored by Birch Gold. Text “Ben” to 989898 to get your no-cost, no obligation FRFEE Information kit! How did feminism become so radical? Ben Shapiro explains, starting with First Wave Feminism in the early 1800s. #BenShapiro #News #Politics #DailyWire #BenShapiroExplains #Feminism #Feminist #Men #Women #Man #Woman #Female #Male #Biology #FirstWaveFeminism #MaryWollstonecraft #ClassicalLiberal […]

Can You Follow AOC's Circular Logic?

LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. https://www.youtube.com/c/BenShapiro In AOC’s bizarro logic, an offer to debate is catcalling; actual catcalling is violence; actual violent protest is vital political speech. Watch the full episode here: https://bit.ly/3Pfq5Ze Watch full episodes of The Ben Shapiro Show here: https://bit.ly/3DucDdm Become a Daily Wire Member today to gain access to exclusive […]