Entries by Ben Shapiro

Here's Why Pro-Choice Viability Arguments Make NO Sense

#BenShapiro #SundaySpecial #BenShapiroSundaySpecial #LilaRose #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #ProLife #ProChoice #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodVCasey #PlannedParenthoodVsCasey #CaseyVPlannedParenthood #CaesyVsPlannedParenthood #Dobbs #DobbsVMississippi #DobbsVsMississippi #WhenDoesLifeBegin SOURCE

When Life Begins Is Science – Not Religion | With Lila Rose

Ben Shapiro and Lila Rose discuss when life begins. Watch the full interview here: https://youtu.be/5B6hMi0uHgg Watch ‘Choosing Death’ for FREE, only for a limited time: dailywire.com/life #BenShapiro #SundaySpecial #BenShapiroSundaySpecial #LilaRose #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #ProLife #ProChoice #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodVCasey #PlannedParenthoodVsCasey #CaseyVPlannedParenthood #CaesyVsPlannedParenthood #Dobbs #DobbsVMississippi #DobbsVsMississippi #WhenDoesLifeBegin SOURCE

Ben Shapiro Ranks The Left

Get 3 Months of ExpressVPN FREE! https://www.expressvpn.com/BenYT Ben Shapiro creates a tier list of politicians and celebrities on the Left #BenShapiro #News #Politics #DailyWire #React #Reaction #Tier #TierList #BillMaher #AnaKasparian #Biden #JoeBiden #President #PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentBiden #Economy #ForeignPolicy #WorstPresident #BarackObama #Obama #PresidentObama #PresidentBarackObama #LeBronJames #LeBron #Beto #ORourke #BetoORourke #JenPsaki #Psaki #AOC #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #LatinX #Latina #Latino #BernieSanders […]

Matt Taibbi | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 127

Matt Taibbi is a liberal journalist covering finance, sports, political campaigns, international news, and more, from a subjective– often satirical– style that’s done quite well for him. But as we’ve seen, the Left has now fractured – castigating liberals like Matt who don’t accept their orthodoxy without question. In 2020, Matt announced the majority of […]

The Marginal Case Shouldn’t Apply to ALL Cases

#BenShapiro #SundaySpecial #BenShapiroSundaySpecial #LilaRose #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #ProLife #ProChoice #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodVCasey #PlannedParenthoodVsCasey #CaseyVPlannedParenthood #CaesyVsPlannedParenthood #Dobbs #DobbsVMississippi #DobbsVsMississippi #WhenDoesLifeBegin #LegalAbortion #LegalizeAbortion SOURCE

Having an Abortion Does NOT Change Your Financial Situation

#Shorts #BenShapiro #SundaySpecial #BenShapiroSundaySpecial #LilaRose #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #ProLife #ProChoice #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodVCasey #PlannedParenthoodVsCasey #CaseyVPlannedParenthood #CaesyVsPlannedParenthood #Dobbs #DobbsVMississippi #DobbsVsMississippi #WhenDoesLifeBegin SOURCE

Abortion Is Evil – No Matter What

#BenShapiro #SundaySpecial #BenShapiroSundaySpecial #LilaRose #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #ProLife #ProChoice #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodVCasey #PlannedParenthoodVsCasey #CaseyVPlannedParenthood #CaesyVsPlannedParenthood #Dobbs #DobbsVMississippi #DobbsVsMississippi #WhenDoesLifeBegin SOURCE

The True HORROR of Planned Parenthood | With Lila Rose

Ben Shapiro and LiveAction founder Lila Rose sit down and discuss how she exposed UCLA’s health center and Planned Parenthood and their treatment of young pregnant women. Watch the full interview here: https://youtu.be/5B6hMi0uHgg Watch ‘Choosing Death’ for FREE, only for a limited time: dailywire.com/life #BenShapiro #SundaySpecial #BenShapiroSundaySpecial #LilaRose #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodExposed #Abortion #AbortionExposed #ExposingAbortion #LiveAction #LilaRoseLiveAction […]

Ben Shapiro REACTS to Popular Media Lies on Gun Control

This video is sponsored by Ring. Learn more about the Ring Alarm Pro at http://www.ring.com/BENSHAPIRO It’s clear that the average American simply regurgitates the gun control talking points they hear from the media. Ben discusses how these talking points are flawed. #BenShapiro #News #Politics #DailyWire #GunControl #GunLaws #SaveTheKids #SaveTheChildren #Wealth #Narrative #NRA #NationalRiffleAssociation #Policy #GunPolicy […]

Goodbye, Roe v. Wade | Ep. 1522

LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at https://expressvpn.com/benshapiroshow The Supreme Court finally issues its ruling on Roe v. Wade; and Roe v. Wade is now history. Become a Daily Wire member to watch summer blockbuster “Terror on the Prairie”, the most […]