Entries by Ben Shapiro


Donald Trump keeps on picking winners for his administration; Democrats struggle with the possibility of a diminishing minority; and Joe Biden is babbling again. Ep.2084 – – – 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://bit.ly/3WDjgHE 2️⃣ 47% off for the 47th President—don’t miss out! Join us at https://dailywire.com/subscribe with code […]

Trump Is Securing Our Borders

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews – To give to IFCJ, visit https://benforthefellowship.org/ Ben discusses how Trump’s team is going to secure our borders and start deportations of illegal immigrants. The media is trying to make Trump’s actions look villainous in the wake of mass deportation talks, but Ben has logic and facts that prove […]

President Trump’s GREAT Picks For His Cabinet

PureTalk – Get one year free of DW+ Insider: https://www.PureTalk.com/Shapiro A week after his win, President Trump is already making great picks for his cabinet. Ben discusses Trump’s picks for a younger generation in office who plan on implementing new, better policies, especially within the EPA. He also talks about the astounding decrease in voter […]