Entries by BlazeTV

Glenn Beck EXPOSES the Deep State’s 2025 Plan that Trump MUST Defeat

Donald Trump may have won the battle for the presidency, but a fight against a resistance more powerful than the Democrat Party has begun. Glenn Beck reveals the deep-state blueprints and the players working to oppose the mandate voters handed Trump in November. It’s a shadow cabinet comprised of federal judges, state governments, the ACLU, […]

College Student KICKED OUT of Class for Voting Trump! — INSANE STORY

Want more proof that the Democrat Party is a cult that hates Donald Trump? Watch as this courageous UCLA student recalls the 2016 election, when in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory, her professors cancelled class and created ‘safe spaces’ for the traumatized students. When she revealed she voted for Trump, the professor kicked her […]

Jason Whitlock DEBATES “Baseball Bad Boy” John Rocker on Religion

During the conversation, it somehow shifts to a debate about liberalism and whether it functions as a religion for those who see themselves as victims. John shares his struggles with his relationship with religion and God. ► Watch MORE BlazeTV YouTube Videos: https://bit.ly/3EVRJHP ► Join BlazeTV and Watch LIVE Shows Daily! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Visit the […]

15 Common Christmas “Myths” that are Completely False!

Pat Gray and the guys dive into the fun and quirky myths surrounding Christmas traditions. They discuss where Santa Claus actually lives, debating whether it’s the North Pole or somewhere else entirely. The group also unpacks the mystery of sugarplums, exploring their true meaning and connection to Christmas lore. They then take on the story […]

The TRUTH about the “3 Wise Men” and the Birth of Christ

How much of the Christmas story – the birth of Jesus Christ – do we have right? Glenn speaks with Evangel University professor of Early Judaism, Wave Nunnally, who explains who the people in our nativity displays likely were. Who were the 3 wise men? Were they magicians, sorcerers, or pagan scholars, like they’re often […]

‘A Christmas Story’ — The HIDDEN Messages in the Classic Movie

“A Christmas Story” has captivated audiences for decades. But how many know that it’s full of parables and life lessons hidden within the whimsy? “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out” author Quentin Schultze heard the stories of the parables straight from the source, the film’s co-writer and narrator, radio legend Jean Shepherd. Now, Quentin shares these […]

This 30-Year-Old Incoming Congressman is One to Watch in 2025

Brandon Gill, incoming representative, says he has no interest in bipartisanship after what the Democrats have done to the country over the past four years. Kingsley Wilson, associate director of the Center for Renewing America, says MAGA freshmen like Gill are the new norm, with a zero-tolerance policy for mass migration and bloated government spending. […]