Entries by BlazeTV

Baltimore Mayor Calls America RACIST While Fawning Over Kamala Harris

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott was almost in tears apologizing to Kamala Harris and black women for America’s racist ways. ► Watch MORE BlazeTV YouTube Videos: https://bit.ly/3EVRJHP ► Join BlazeTV and Watch LIVE Shows Daily! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Visit the ‘Blaze News’ Website (No Annoying Ads!): https://www.theblaze.com/ ► Sign-Up for our NEWSLETTER: https://www.theblaze.com/newsletters/theblaze Connect with us on […]

Watch for Leftists to DO THIS now that Trump Has Won the Election

Now that Donald Trump has won the 2024 Election, what comes next? How will the left react and what should we all expect. Glenn Beck gives his take and is joined by Blaze TV hosts Stu Burguiere, Liz Wheeler, and Jill Savage for additional analysis. **** WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: https://youtube.com/live/LyDeu4FdjBA **** ► Watch MORE […]

Donald Trump’s 10 Point Plan To End The Deep State For Good

Donald Trump has released a 10-point plan to dismantle the Deep State during his second presidential term and Glenn can’t see how anyone can be against it. Glenn reviews the plan and how it should unite America. Glenn and Stu also discuss some possible moves Trump should make to troll the media and the Left […]

Stock Market Sees MASSIVE Increase After Trump’s Dominant Win

The U.S. stock market had incredible gains after Donald Trump was declared the president-elect. Is this as good of a sign as it looks for small and medium-sized businesses? Financial expert Carol Roth joins Glenn to explain. She also gives her take on whether Trump can stop the World Economic Forum’s plans for transforming the […]

How The Left ABANDONED The Latino Vote

Karina Yapor, executive producer for Voz Media, says Democrats believed supporting mass migration into the U.S. would win over Latinos. However, she says it has only made Latino Americans less safe, as many live close to the border. Meanwhile, she says President Trump’s pro-family, low-tax platform is far more attractive to anyone who wants a […]

Glenn Beck: How Donald Trump’s Win Can Save the ENTIRE Western World

Kamala Harris has officially conceded the 2024 election to Donald Trump, and Glenn Beck gives his immediate reaction to how Trump won in such a decisive manner. He is joined by Blaze TV hosts Stu Burguiere, Liz Wheeler, and Jill Savage for additional analysis. **** WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: https://youtube.com/live/LyDeu4FdjBA **** ► Watch MORE BlazeTV […]

Trump’s Dominant Win is a CLEAR MANDATE — How He CRUSHED Kamala!

Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris was widely seen as “too big to rig,” as his sweeping support across key demographics made the outcome unmistakable. His success in winning over Latino voters, including those in traditionally Democratic strongholds like Texas’ Rio Grande Valley and Miami-Dade County, Florida, showcased a realignment that left little room for dispute. […]

EXCLUSIVE: Trafalgar’s Robert Cahaly EXPOSES Election Polling FRAUDS

How did Kamala Harris lose Iowa by almost 13 points when an Iowa Register poll had her winning the state? Robert Cahaly, chief pollster at the Trafalgar Group, takes his victory lap by showing how different factors control how those surveyed answer questions. Cahaly asserts that even the Trafalgar Group was surprised that Trump exceeded […]

MSNBC’s Joy Reid and CNN’s Van Jones IMPLODE on Election Night! 😂

CNN’s Van Jones and MSNBC’s Joy Reid both predictably had emotional on-air outbursts on Election Night as Trump’s victory shattered their phony view of America and its voting population. BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock and BlazeTV Contributor Shemeka Michelle react to both Jones and Reid with some thoughts of their own about these clueless woke cable […]

The TRUTH about Trump Supporters that Democrats REFUSE to Accept

Donald Trump’s 2024 victory has taken many on the left by shock. How could the majority of Americans support a fascist, racist, xenophobic felon who promised to be a dictator “on day one”? Well, maybe that’s not what they support. Glenn reviews 2 New York Times op-eds that are perfect examples of what the legacy […]