Entries by BlazeTV

EXCLUSIVE: What’s REALLY Happening in Springfield, Ohio

David Cook, a Springfield resident, took Blaze Media’s Julio Rosas to the site of a school bus crash that killed one child and left many more injured. The collision was caused by a Haitian who had no license. To find out how this tragedy was allowed to occur. ► Watch MORE BlazeTV YouTube Videos: https://bit.ly/3EVRJHP […]

Police Chief EXPOSES Haitian Migrant Crisis in Springfield, Ohio

Julio Rosas sat down with Tremont City Police Chief, Chad Duncan, to discuss the crime in Springfield, Ohio. Chief Duncan believes that Springfield has been soft on traffic crime to protect the Haitians’ immigration status and keep them from being deported. ► Watch MORE BlazeTV YouTube Videos: https://bit.ly/3EVRJHP ► Join BlazeTV and Watch LIVE Shows […]

DOJ Releases STRANGE Letter Written by Ryan Routh — Here’s What it Says

The Department of Justice has released a letter allegedly written by the second attempted Trump assassin, Ryan Routh, months before he tried to assassinate Donald Trump. The shocking letter, which is addressed to the “world,” was apparently left in a box with another person who only opened it up after the assassination attempt. But Glenn […]

The MOST Significant Archaeological Discovery of the Last 100 Years

The City of David is an archeological wonder. From the Pools of Siloam, up the Pilgrimage Rd, archeologists are unearthing treasures from as long as 3000 years ago. More important than physical objects though, the story of the Judeo-Christian existence is being revealed. Despite what Iran and her proxies say, Jews– not Palestinians– were the […]

What REALLY Happened? — Mystery Eye Injuries for Trump Rally Attendees

Rallygoers who sat behind Donald Trump’s podium at his recent rally in Tucson, Arizona, have reported suspicious injuries to their eyes. Some emergency physicians have suggested that these injuries could be the result of extreme exposure to lighting. But others believe that a chemical agent may have been deployed. So, what’s the truth? Glenn and […]

How the Media Protects Criminal Elites while Smearing Innocent Men

BlazeTV host Liz Wheeler breaks down why the media is REALLY reporting on Robert F. Kennedy’s alleged “affair” with Olivia Nuzzi. She also explains why the media ignores stories like New York City’s COVID “czar” Dr. Jay Varma being caught on tape admitting to having degenerate parties at the height of Covid. Liz reacts to […]

California Politician SPEAKS OUT after DUMPING the Democrat Party

Former California state Senator Gloria Romero explains why she left the Democrat Party. Romero says the party of the Kennedys and FDR is long gone, replaced by an authoritarian machine. Romero warns that the modern DNC is willing to censor opponents and changes rules to obtain power. She encourages patriotic Democrats to consider voting for […]