Entries by BlazeTV

Mark Levin: “Mad Maxine” Tries to Instigate a Riot

George Floyd’s death was the fuse that lit the fires engulfing our nation in protests. The Marxist left has seized this opportunity to tear our country apart, claiming the US is “systemically racist”, protests are “mostly peaceful” even as cities burn and innocent Americans die. Now, in the wake of Daunte Wright’s shooting and the […]

Reporters SLAM Biden for Chauvin Trial Comments, Leave Psaki Panicking for Damage Control

Biden’s Press Sec. scrambled to do damage control today after Biden made comments about the Derek Chauvin trial that sparked controversy. WATCH CNN reporter SAVAGE Jen Psaki on Biden’s Chauvin comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glU3DyjriVA ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: […]

CNN Reporter SAVAGES Jen Psaki On Biden’s Chauvin Comments

In a surprising turn of events, a CNN reporter decided to ask Biden’s Press Sec. Jen Psaki an actual question and savaged her over Biden’s Chauvin comments. WATCH Psaki SNAP at reporter after refusing to answer a question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM_wYyjBhcM #blazetv #presssec #CNN ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up […]

Exposing Maxine Waters’ Long History of Inciting Mobs | Stu Does America

California representative Maxine Waters is doing everything she can to make it worse on the streets of Minneapolis after the Derek Chauvin verdict is announced by encouraging protesters, regardless of outcome. How is this incitement allowed by to go unchecked? Stu does Maxine Waters’ history of boneheaded moves best moments. WATCH more Stu Does America: […]

Burgess Owens Drops a NUKE on Dems Comparing Georgia Voting Laws to Jim Crow

Rep. Burgess Owens just dropped a NUKE on Dems who are comparing Georgia’s new voting laws to Jim Crow. WATCH Psaki SNAP at reporter after refusing to answer a question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM_wYyjBhcM #blazetv #burgessowens #jimcrow ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on […]

Why We Won’t and Can’t Go Back to Pre-COVID “Normal” | Steve Deace Show

Steve Deace says the progressive spirit of the age has learned a lesson: frame anything as a “public health crisis,” and it can do what it wants. WATCH more Steve Deace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcUSCh6-Gro #blazetv #stevedeace #covid ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us […]

This Is Why Planned Parenthood Is FINALLY Denouncing Their Racist Founder | The Glenn Beck Program

President and CEO of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, recently wrote an op-ed in the New York Times describing why her organization is “done making excuses for our founder.” She says Planned Parenthood will work to distance itself from Margaret Sanger due to her history of racism. Wait…WHAT?! Conservatives have called out Sanger’s ties to […]

RIOT WATCH: National Guard DEPLOYED Ahead of Chauvin Verdict | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 761

The verdict on the George Floyd trial is coming soon and Minneapolis has activated 3,000+ National Guard and added extra security measures at the courthouse. Are we going to see riots after the Chauvin verdict? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to hold Rep. Maxine Waters accountable for her “dangerous rhetoric” […]

CNN Reporter Actually Asks Tough Questions – Press Sec. Doesn’t Take It So Well

Biden’s Press Sec. was stunned today when a CNN reporter actually asked her a tough question and she didn’t take it so well. WATCH Psaki SNAP at reporter after refusing to answer a question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM_wYyjBhcM #Blazetv #presssec #cnn ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters […]