Entries by BlazeTV

Trump SLAMS Biden for Having the “Most Disastrous First Month of Any President in Modern History”

Former President Trump just slammed President Biden in his CPAC speech for having the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history.” WATCH Rand Paul confronts Biden’s transgender health nominee about “genital mutilation”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y4ZhQUre-4 #blazetv #trump #cpac ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: […]

SHOCKING: White People Volunteer to Reenact Slavery For Sick Woke Games | Slightly Offens*ve

In a recent video, white people are seen in chains and being treated as slaves. Elijah and BlazeTV contributor Eric July discuss why the new alt-right is black and why white people keep acting this way. WATCH more Slightly Offens*ve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V9dHwiufhk #Elijahschaffer #ericjuly #blazetv ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► […]

Donald Trump Jr.’s Speech on Cancel Culture Lights Internet on FIRE

Donald Trump Jr. just delivered a speech on cancel culture at CPAC this year that is already lighting the internet on FIRE. WATCH Ted Cruz’s epic CPAC speech on freedom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi_bGxQLYgc #blazetv #trump #CPAC ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on […]

Matt Gaetz SLAMS Establishment of Both Parties and Describes How Populism Is the Future of the GOP

Rep. Matt Gaetz just spoke at CPAC with a speech that slammed the establishment wings of both parties and described how populism is the future of the GOP. WATCH Ted Cruz causes the internet to EXPLODE with epic CPAC speech on freedom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi_bGxQLYgc #cpac #mattgaetz #blazetv ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! […]

Ron DeSantis Puts Big Tech on Notice and Lays Out the Future of the GOP at CPAC

Gov. Ron DeSantis just opened CPAC with a speech for the ages, slamming Big Tech censorship as he laid out the future of the GOP. WATCH Ted Cruz causes the internet to EXPLODE with epic CPAC speech on freedom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi_bGxQLYgc #blazetv #cpac #rondesantis ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign […]

Ted Cruz Causes Internet to EXPLODE With Epic CPAC Speech on Freedom

Sen. Ted Cruz just gave an EPIC speech on freedom at CPAC 2021 and caused the internet to explode with the final lines of his speech. WATCH Rand Paul confronts Biden’s transgender health nominee about “genital mutilation”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y4ZhQUre-4 #blazetv #tedcruz #cpac2021 ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for […]

Stu Does America Presents the Third Annual Cancel Culture Olympics!

It’s getting harder and harder to keep track of the numerous unnecessary cancellations constantly rocking the political and entertainment industries. When everything is racist and you’re never woke enough, just getting through the day without fear of online leftist mobs is a challenge. Stu looks at the three most recent, most ridiculous examples of cancel […]

Chip Roy EXPOSES the Radical Equality Act Bill Passed By the U.S. House

Rep. Chip Roy and the rest of the freedom caucus took a stand yesterday against the radical Equality Act bill that was just passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. WATCH Rand Paul confronts Biden’s transgender health nominee about “genital mutilation” ⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y4ZhQUre-4 #equalityact #chiproy #blazetv ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! […]