Entries by BlazeTV

Michael Moore Floats INSANE Conspiracy that Trump’s FAKING Covid | Pat Gray Unleashed

Michael Moore thinks Donald Trump is faking COVID? Pat Gray says how many more of these unhinged conspiracy theories do we have to hear? WATCH more Pat Gray Unleashed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30p2ysdDt0c ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTV http://instagram.com/TheBlazeTV […]

Feminists are BASHING Amy Coney Barrett for Being “Too Successful!” | Pseudo-Intellectual

The Left is pulling out all the stops to try to stop Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, but mostly has come up empty. However, this week on Pseudo-Intellectual Lauren Chen breaks down a new group of “feminists” who are coming after ACB for being… “too successful.” WATCH more Pseudo-Intellectual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRT24PMjlG8 […]

Trump Gives Hopeful Update on His COVID-19 Diagnosis from the Hospital

President Trump issued this update on his health following his COVID-19 diagnosis and subsequent precautionary hospitalization. ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTV http://instagram.com/TheBlazeTV http://facebook.com/BlazeMedia SOURCE

Antifa: An Idea or an Organization? | Slightly Offens*ve

Joe Biden called Antifa “a idea” during the Presidential debate. Does Joe get any news channel on his basement? Here’s Elijah showing how well organized is Antifa and the tactics they use to organize and destroy cities like Portland and Seattle. Where is the corporate media fact checking Joe? WATCH more Slightly Offens*ve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeoHStg_8lI ► […]

Rep. Nunes BLASTS Adam Schiff for His “Sick Fantasies” of Impeaching Trump

Rep. Devin Nunes BLASTED Adam Schiff in a congressional hearing today for letting his “sick fantasies” of impeaching President Trump destroy countless institutions of American government. WATCH Press Sec. trigger a Media MELTDOWN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQti8x3DdPI ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on […]

How Many Times Does Trump Have to Condemn the KKK? | Pat Gray Unleashed

How many times now has Donald Trump denounced white supremacy and the KKK? Pat Gray says no matter how many times he does it, it’s never enough for the Left. WATCH more Pat Gray Unleashed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_1G0ZZco0M ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with […]

How the Left Plans to SMEAR Amy Coney Barrett | Wilkow

Will the Left turn the Amy Coney Barrett hearings into another Kavanaugh-like spectacle? Wilkow argues that even though they may not be able to smear her with sexual assault allegations, that certainly won’t stop them from going after her Catholic faith. After all, it’s not like Democrats ACTUALLY care about promoting women to positions of […]