Entries by BlazeTV

RIDING THE DRAGON: Uncovering the Bidens’ Chinese Secrets (Preview)

Full “Riding the Dragon” documentary is available now, exclusive to BlazeTV. Become a subscriber and watch now: https://get.blazetv.com/riding-the-dragon/ SYNOPSIS: This explosive documentary, “Riding the Dragon” uncovers the business deals, financial transactions, and secret agreements that took place between Hunter Biden’s businesses and the Chinese government, all while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United […]

Debunking AOC’s Idiocy | Pat Gray Unleashed

Pat Gray debunks AOC’s idiotic ideas. It wasn’t that hard to do actually. WATCH more Pat Gray Unleashed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5wojNlDDjc ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTV http://instagram.com/TheBlazeTV http://facebook.com/BlazeMedia SOURCE

Why is the Left OBSESSED with Normalizing Pedophilia?!? | Wilkow

It took the Netflix ‘Cuties’ controversy to awaken us to a very serious issue. Buried underneath the Left’s favorite tag lines “love is love” and “asylum is a human right,” a much more sinister movement is growing: the normalization of pedophilia. Wilkow argues that of course the truth is branded as a “crazy conspiracy theory,” […]

Why Ron Paul Won’t Wear a Mask | Kibbe on Liberty

Dr. Ron Paul explains to Matt Kibbe the health risks of wearing a mask all day long. While politicians are eager to demand mask wearing from everyone at all times in response to the coronavirus pandemic, they are largely ignoring the science and medicine that show the trade offs that come from restricting breathing on […]

Glenn Beck: President Trump, I Misjudged You in 2016

Back in 2016, Glenn Beck didn’t believe President Trump would do ANY of the things he promised. But after seeing Trump in office for four years, Glenn admits that he’s proven wrong time and time again and he wants to apologize to the President. WATCH more Glenn Beck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc0x7teLJsE ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu […]

Is There an Epidemic of Police Killing Unarmed Black Men? | Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

With every shooting involving a white officer with an unarmed black man, it is assumed that the situation must automatically be racially motivated. Allie Beth Stuckey breaks down whether statistics support the motion. WATCH more Relatable: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx_2Vso6Qz76n-w5KV8DZcA ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect […]

INSURGENCY USA: BLM Riots PROVE America is Under Attack | Steve Deace

Steve Deace says America is in the middle of an ATTACK. If what was being done to Kenosha, Wisconsin by the BLM rioters was done to an American embassy abroad, we would have already acted. WATCH more Steve Deace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IbEVZ2KxGs ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our […]

Former Democrat TORCHES His Old Party In Speech That Will Haunt Pelosi Forever

Former Democrat congressman Jeff Van Drew spoke at the RNC last night and went off on his own party for radicalizing to the far-left. WATCH RNC speaker OBLITERATE Biden for saying he “ain’t black”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvQe_wS7738 ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us […]

David Dorn’s Widow Makes America Go SILENT With Gut-Wrenching RNC Speech

Looters murdered her husband, David Dorn, in cold blood and live-streamed it for the world to see. Now, Ann Dorn has a message that EVERY American needs to watch. ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTV http://instagram.com/TheBlazeTV http://facebook.com/BlazeMedia […]