Entries by Charlie Kirk

Mad Maxine Violently Holds the American Justice System Hostage | The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 4.20.21

Charlie Kirk is LIVE on Salem Radio Stations across the country unpacking the sheer, unbelievable insanity of what Maxine Waters is up to in Minnesota—Inciting violence and threatening juries. But none of it is surprising, and Charlie walks through her long history of attempting to divide America and how it corresponds with her meteoric rise […]

HOAX! TPUSA Student Vindicated After Vile Racist Accusations

For more exclusive interviews, insight, and analysis like this, SUBSCRIBE to The Charlie Kirk Show TODAY: https://apple.co/2VCxGsh And for EVEN MORE—tune in to The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE on Salem Radio Network affiliates across the country, 5 days a week from 12—3PM To listen live, turn on post notifications on YouTube, check your local affiliates, […]

Digital Assassination Day in Silicon Valley | The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE 4.16.21

Charlie Kirk is LIVE on Salem Radio Stations across the country covering the unprecedented but unsurprising digital assassination of master truth-teller James O’ Keefe that took place yesterday on Twitter plus the chilling silencing of the free press by Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. He’ll dive deep into the implications of that and what conservatives must […]