Entries by ClassicFirearms

AR-9 vs PCC

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Difference Between AR-9 and PCC 6:27 Aero Precision EPC AR-9 [Live Fire] 7:54 Angstadt UDP-9 AR-9 [Live Fire] 9:56 B&T APC9K 9mm PCC [Live Fire] 12:07 CZ Scorpion EVO3 […]

Top 5 COD Warzone Guns In Real Life

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Overkill CR-56 AMAX + Origin 12 1:00 CR-56 AMAX 2:47 IWI Galil Live Fire 4:11 MP5 6:21 SP5 Live Fire 8:21 Origin 12 10:13 Fostech Origin 12 Live Fire […]

[Contest] Win The Army’s New SMG (B&T APC9K)

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. Check out our second channel Outside The Warehouse: youtube.com/channel/UCE_ApAA6PIY59E6IDK-PBVg Facebook – https://facebook.com/ClassicFirearm Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/classicfirearms/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/ClassicFirearm Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger SOURCE

The US Army’s Next-Gen Optic System

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. Check out our second channel Outside The Warehouse: youtube.com/channel/UCE_ApAA6PIY59E6IDK-PBVg Facebook – https://facebook.com/ClassicFirearm Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/classicfirearms/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/ClassicFirearm Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger SOURCE

British Enfield Jungle Carbine Surplus Unboxing

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Enfield MK5 Jungle Carbine Unboxing 1:07 Refinished by James River Armory & Turn-in Condition 1:32 Enfield History 6:17 Condition Details 13:18 Win the Modern DS Arms SA58 FAL! Check […]

The Top 5 Home Defense Shotguns

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Top 5 Home Defense Shotguns 1:22 Why no AR-12s? 2:04 #5 IWI Tavor TS12 15rd Semi-Auto Bullpup Rotary Shotgun 3:52 #4 Benelli M2 5rd Semi-Auto Inertia Shotgun 5:18 #3 […]

Manufacturer Review: DS Arms

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Manufacturer Review: DS Arms 0:42 DS Arms History 4:16 SA58 Paratrooper 18″ Battle Rifle 4:40 SA58 FAL 16″ Battle Rifle 6:55 SA58 OSW 8.25″ .308 Pistol 7:38 Head to […]

6.5 Grendel vs 7.62×39

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 6.5 Grendel vs 7.62×39 0:40 About 6.5 Grendel 2:29 About 7.62×39 2:52 Century Arms VSKA Pistol 7.62×39 [Live Fire] 3:40 Alexander Arms AR Pistol 6.5 Grendel [Live Fire] 4:36 […]

FAL vs M14

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 M14 vs FAL 0:57 Which is #1 1:37 M14 History and Specs 3:42 FAL History and Specs 5:32 Why Did the U.S. Choose M14 over FAL? 6:35 20K Likes […]

[Contest] Win The Modern FAL Battle Rifle

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Win the DS Arms SA58 FAL! 0:47 And the winner is… 1:12 20K Likes till Next Barrett Giveaway 1:33 FAL History 2:44 The FAL Modernized Build Out 8:52 SA58 […]