Entries by ClassicFirearms

What Are Different Types Of Bullets Used For?

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 What Are Different Types Of Bullets Used For? 1:21 Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 2:09 Soft Point (SP) 2:44 Hollow Point (HP) 3:53 M855 Green Tip Steel Core 4:30 Frangible […]

Top 5 Guns Chambered In .308

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Top 5 Guns Chambered in .308 0:41 #5 – FN SCAR 20S 1:48 #4 – IWI Galil Ace Gen2 4:04 #3 – FN FAL (DSA SA58 PARA) 6:13 #2 […]

Manufacturer Review: Trijicon

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. Check out our second channel Outside The Warehouse: youtube.com/channel/UCE_ApAA6PIY59E6IDK-PBVg Facebook – https://facebook.com/ClassicFirearm Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/classicfirearms/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/ClassicFirearm Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger SOURCE

What Is The Perfect Battle Rifle?

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 What Should You Look For in a Battle Rifle? 1:18 What is a Battle Rifle? 2:38 Stag Arms STAG-10 Tactical Rifle 3:05 ROCK-OLA M14 Rifle 3:44 DSA SA58 PARA […]

Top 10 Battlefield V Guns In Real Life

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 Top 10 Battlefield V Guns In Real Life 0:54 #1 – M1 Garand 2:12 #2 – M1928A1 3:41 #3 – Kar98k 5:36 #4 – P08 Luger 7:14 CLASSICFIREARMSDOTCOM 7:56 […]

[Contest] Win The Ultimate FN Scar 17S Rifle Package

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 The Ultimate SCAR 17S Contest 3:10 Kinetic DG ACR Stock 4:33 Kinetic DG M-Lok Rail 6:42 Troy Battle Ax Grip 7:16 Geissele Super SCAR Trigger 8:07 Kinetic DG Charging […]

AR-15 Pistol vs SBR vs Rifle

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 AR-15 Pistol vs SBR vs Rifle 1:08 AR-15 Pistol (IWI Zion Z-15) 1:59 AR-15 Rifle (Springfield Saint) 2:19 AR-15 Short Barreled Rifle (DD MK18) 3:46 Springfield Saint [Live Fire] […]

KelTec P50 vs FN P90

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re looking for. 0:00 KelTec P50 vs FN P90 1:25 FN PS90 Semi-Auto Rifle 3:41 KelTec P50 Semi-Auto Pistol 8:07 P50 & PS90 with Optics 10:11 Diamondback DBX57 Pistol 11:54 Is the P50 […]