About Conservative Twins
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But we are proud to say that Conservative Twins contributed 1491 entries already.
Entries by Conservative Twins
Democrat Women Actually Clapped for This?!
/in COMEDY, THE HODGE TWINS/by Conservative TwinsHere we go Enter To Win our Truck by buying our Patriotic Apparel: http://officialhodgetwins.com Subscribe to HodgetwinsTV: http://hodgetwins.tv Join Our Uncensored Email List: https://officialhodgetwins.com/pages/sign-up-org tags: hodgetwins conservativetwins patriottwins askhodgetwins hodge twins patriottwins askhodgetwins hodge twins
New Black Group Supporting Trump
/in COMEDY, THE HODGE TWINS/by Conservative TwinsTest video
Vivek Exposes Republicans Love for Ukraine
/in COMEDY, THE HODGE TWINS/by Conservative TwinsTest video
Tucker EXPOSES how bad the WAR is for UKRAINE ARMY
/in COMEDY, THE HODGE TWINS/by Conservative TwinsTest video Join Our Uncensored Email/List: https://officialhodgetwins.com/pages/sign-up-org Help Us Hold The Line: https://coin.holdtheline.com/hodgetwins Support our show by buying our Patriotic Apparel: http://officialhodgetwins.com Hodgetwins Children’s book: Http://hodgetwins.bravebooks.com Hodgetwins Bio: Keith and Kevin Hodge, aka the Hodgetwins, are famously known for their comedic commentary regarding politics, fitness tips, and relationship advice across their several YouTube channels!