Entries by Project Veritas

James O’Keefe Weighs in on United Airlines Controversy

Just a few days ago, a citizen journalist filmed a controversy in which a doctor was forcibly removed from a flight due to overbooking. Now James O’Keefe weighs in on this incident, and discusses how citizen journalists are changing the news media. Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE

NY Teachers Union Attorney Response to Student Rape Confession: “Was Trying to Impress a Girl”

James O’Keefe calls Mitchell Rubinstein for comment after the release of our newest Teachers Union video. The undercover video featured United Teachers attorney Mitchell Rubinstein bragging about defending a teacher that was alleged to have forced a student at knife-point to give oral sex. Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE

CNN’s “dirty laundry” revealed #CNNLeaks

Clip: Clip: 003T_060909_0730.mp3 [00h22m21s] First, this short #CNNLeaks clip shows the “bubble-headed bleach blonde” who “comes on at five” who “can tell you ’bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye.” Also, #FakeNews CNN calls Yahoo #FakeNews long before Yahoo’s #FakeNews incident with Katie Couric. Stay tuned as we uncover more “dirty laundry” […]

#CNNLeaks Manipulating quotes, “play with it.”

Clip: 008T_061709_1518.mp3 [02h40m11s] This is the first of many tips left about the #CNNLeaks clips. We uncovered an unidentified CNN staffer talking about manipulating quotes, saying “just, you know, play with it.” See more at http://www.cnnleaks.com/ Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE

James O’Keefe’s LMAO at Antifa Porn Presser

Antifa conducted a press conference at the National Press Club – (Correction: Press Club security shut down the news conference venue) – a nearby food court – (Correction: food court security shut that down, too) – informally seated at food court table – (until security booted them from that location, too). Bear in mind that […]