Entries by Project Veritas

NY Teachers Union Attorney Response to Student Rape Confession: “Was Trying to Impress a Girl”

James O’Keefe calls Mitchell Rubinstein for comment after the release of our newest Teachers Union video. The undercover video featured United Teachers attorney Mitchell Rubinstein bragging about defending a teacher that was alleged to have forced a student at knife-point to give oral sex. Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE

CNN’s “dirty laundry” revealed #CNNLeaks

Clip: Clip: 003T_060909_0730.mp3 [00h22m21s] First, this short #CNNLeaks clip shows the “bubble-headed bleach blonde” who “comes on at five” who “can tell you ’bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye.” Also, #FakeNews CNN calls Yahoo #FakeNews long before Yahoo’s #FakeNews incident with Katie Couric. Stay tuned as we uncover more “dirty laundry” […]

#CNNLeaks Manipulating quotes, “play with it.”

Clip: 008T_061709_1518.mp3 [02h40m11s] This is the first of many tips left about the #CNNLeaks clips. We uncovered an unidentified CNN staffer talking about manipulating quotes, saying “just, you know, play with it.” See more at http://www.cnnleaks.com/ Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE

James O’Keefe’s LMAO at Antifa Porn Presser

Antifa conducted a press conference at the National Press Club – (Correction: Press Club security shut down the news conference venue) – a nearby food court – (Correction: food court security shut that down, too) – informally seated at food court table – (until security booted them from that location, too). Bear in mind that […]

Latest Developments in #DisruptJ20 Plot to Shutdown Presidential Inauguration

James O’Keefe provides updates about our meetings with law enforcement officials, how the protesters are scaling back their plans because of the Veritas videos, and HuffPo’s validation of the #DisruptJ20 videos released earlier this week. Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE

Part II: NEW Investigation Uncovers Plot to Chain the Trains & Shut Down DC During Inauguration

The latest Project Veritas video reveals DisruptJ20 plot to Chain Trains and Halt the DC Metro. This video exposes the collusion between the various groups under the DisruptJ20 umbrella. The video shows that DJ20 is not simply a movement of fringe groups but instead a nefarious organization. Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas SOURCE