Entries by Project Veritas

Shots Fired: James O’Keefe Confronts Katie Couric’s Deceptive Editing in Gun Documentary

In this new video, James O’Keefe confronts Katie Couric’s use of deceptive editing in her documentary “Under the Gun”. He explains that you can’t trust the mainstream media when they falsely accuse journalists like O’Keefe of deceptively editing videos, but then actually deceptively edit and manipulate audio to deceive the public. O’Keefe argues that the […]

Oregon Sec. of State Candidate Caught Using Students for Political Gain on Camera

In this new video, O’Keefe conducts a multi-year investigation into the Oregon public school education system. During his investigation, O’Keefe specifically focused on Oregon’s service learning program, and how it is manipulated by former Majority leader of Oregon’s House of Representatives in her attempt to exploit high school children for political gain. The video exposes […]

James O’Keefe Takes On a Hairy Hillbilly Hippie Hater

In this video from James O’Keefe’s recent college campus tour, O’Keefe takes on a Hairy Hillbilly Hippie Hater during a Q & A session at Western Carolina University. When O’Keefe allows the man an opportunity to ask a question, the man fumbles and isn’t able to form a coherent sentence or question about O’Keefe or […]

“Grow some T-Rex scrote”: Ted Nugent and James O’Keefe on Periscope

The Motor City Madman and James O’Keefe hijack Shemane Nugent’s Periscope to talk about the Constitution, the heroes who serve our country in the military, political corruption and the recent Project Veritas Common Core videos. WARNING: If you feel “micro-aggressed” or “triggered” when hearing conversation about certain masculine body parts, go find yourself some “safe […]


In the third video of this series on Common Core, undercover videographers expose another textbook executive. In the video, the sales executive shows some of the political ideology behind Common Core with statements like there: “The dead white guys did not create this country” “Damn the Second Amendment” “They don’t agree with Islam, so they […]

Undercover Common II: Another Top Publishing Exec: “It’s never about the kids”

Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt Strategic Account Executive says Common Core is never about the kids. “It’s never about the kids.” — Amelia Petties, Strategic Account Executive, Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt Petties: “And slapping a new name on it, which in my case I hope they do…I can sell a sh** ton of training around whatever you’re calling it.” Petties: […]