Entries by Project Veritas

CNN Part 4 coming soon

This week, Project Veritas released a three-part series exposing CNN. Millions of people have viewed and shared this content. And, yet, CNN and their leadership have remained silent so far. Why is CNN so quiet? I can tell you this, though. Our next video (CNN Part 4) will be coming out next week. It features […]

PART 3: CNN Field Manager: Zucker’s 9am Calls ‘BS;’ “…Totally Left-Leaning…Don’t Want to Admit it”

• Manager of Field Operations at CNN Patrick Davis Complains “We Could Be So Much Better Than What We Are.” • “I Haven’t Listened to a 9AM (Rundown) Call in About 15 Years…Just, I Can’t Listen to It,” Explains Davis, “It’s All Just a Bunch of Bullshit.” • Field Production Supervisor at CNN Gerald Sisnette: […]

CNN Media Coordinator states ‘Zucker insists Tapper press Kellyanne Conway, “just f**king nail her”

In a new clip that we released today, CNN Media Coordinator, Christian Sierra, recounts a story about Jeff Zucker, stating:  “Jeff Zucker goes into the control room while Jake Tapper is interviewing Kellyanne Conway…” Sierra says Zucker orders Tapper: “Keep going, keep going, keep going!” and tells the Executive Producer to skip commercials, extend 7-minute […]

PART 2 – CNN Leadership Picks Winners and Losers on Eve of Debate. “…They(CNN) like Warren a lot”

Sign up now for more releases: https://exposecnn.com Become a Project Veritas Insider: https:www.projectveritas.com/brave CNN Insider Cary Poarch GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/exposecnn • CNN Senior Justice Correspondent Evan Perez Says, ‘Joe Biden Has a Problem’ Because of his Son’s Foreign Business Dealings; “It Looks Bad. It Smells Bad.” • CNN President Jeff Zucker Pushes Kamala Harris’ Demand to […]

CNN Staffer Admits Racial Bias – Part 2

https://exposecnn.com https://www.projectveritas.com/brave Newsletter: https://www.projectveritas.com/sign-u… Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas Buy James O’Keefe’s book: http://www.americanpravdabook.com SOURCE

CNN Staffer Admits Racial Bias – Part 1

https://exposecnn.com https://www.projectveritas.com/brave Newsletter: https://www.projectveritas.com/sign-u… Website: http://projectveritas.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas Buy James O’Keefe’s book: http://www.americanpravdabook.com SOURCE

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS

Sign up to get our next videos: https://exposecnn.com Sign up to be our next insider: https://www.projectveritas.com/brave CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS • Cary Poarch, Who Works at CNN’s Washington DC Bureau, Says: “I Decided to Wear a Hidden Camera…to Expose the Bias” • Records Zucker’s 9AM Daily […]

James O’Keefe gets an EXCLUSIVE update on David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt

James O’Keefe speaks with Founder and Executive Director of Pro-Life San Francisco Terrisa Bukovinac outside of a San Francisco federal courtroom this morning. Terrisa explains the current status of the State of California’s case against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt ; both were charged with illegally recording while they exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted […]