Entries by StevenCrowder

Nancy Pelosi is a squirrel on drugs. #shorts

Crowder reacts to the weirdest part of the State of the Union. Why is Nancy Pelosi so giddy about burn pits? Shop the official LWC store: https://crowdershop.com Want to watch the full show every day? Join MugClub! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder […]

LIVE FACT-CHECK! Biden’s First State of the Union | Louder with Crowder

Steven Crowder will be LIVE and fact-checking Joe Biden’s SOTU so you don’t have to! Don’t worry, we’ll still be playing the infamous Crowder drinking game. You DON’T want to miss this. Though…Biden might? #Biden #JoeBiden #SOTU PROMO CODE: “BidenFactCheck” for $20 off annual subscription – http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ GET TODAY’S SHOW NOTES with […]

American Neo-Nazis DO Exist! Just Not Where You Think… | Louder with Crowder

Did you ever notice our government medial “experts” sound a little Nazi-ish? We’ll explain in detail. Also, Justin Trudeau is jealous Putin is stealing his authoritarian spotlight. And what do you know? Another Epstein assoicate suicided himself. #Putin #JustinTrudeau #JeffreyEpstein Come See Standup! – http://www.louderwithcrowder.com/tour Go to https://Built.com and use promo code “Crowder15” to get […]

Trudeau ENDS 'Back the Blue!' Canadian Gestapo TURN on Own Citizens | Louder with Crowder

Canada’s mounted police put an end to blindly backing the blue. We’ll explain how, but it involves an old lady being trampled by horses. We also dive into the latest between Russia and Ukraine. And John Oliver said some dumb CRT things that need debunking. #JustinTrudeau #FreedomConvoy #Ukraine Visit http://www.preparewithcrowder.com for $50 off a 4-week […]

Woke ‘COMEDIANS’ Push Anti-Freedom Trucker PROPAGANDA! | Louder with Crowder

The left has turned comedy into government propaganda. Look no further than The Daily Show’s “coverage” of the Freedom Convoy. There was also an insane fight in Ukraine, though not the one you were expecting. And is Bill Maher a closeted fan of Louder with Crowder? #FreeedomConvoy #TheDailyShow #BillMaher Come See Standup! – http://www.louderwithcrowder.com/tour NEW […]

DELETE TIKTOK! Chinese Communists Are Making America DUMB! | Louder with Crowder

TikTok is a proven commie Chinese psyop. We explain why AND what we’re doing about it. Also, a Korean influencer wants you t o know bout his tiny dong. And was Bob Saget Jeffrey Epstein’d? #TikTok #BobSaget #china #TrashTikTok See our Standup! – http://louderwithcrowder.com/tour NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ GET TODAY’S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/ Join […]

Justin Trudeau Declares Canadian Freedom Truckers TERRORISTS!? | Louder with Crowder

Justin Trudeau went full commie against the Freedom Convoy. Whatever you’re thinking, we guarantee it’s actually worse. There is a lot to unpack! Also, TikTok is a communist psyop. And a Joy Reid regular tried to kill a mayor. #JustinTrudeau #FreedomConvoy #EmergenciesAct Go to https://Built.com and use promo code “Crowder15” to get 15% off your […]