Entries by StevenCrowder

Why Chaos in Liberal Cities Is a Warning to EVERYONE! | Louder with Crowder

Liberal cities are on fire, and the rest of America needs to pay attention. We explain why. Also, Wisconsin did something shockingly based about voter integrity. And now they’re telling us four shots aren’t enough? #California #NYC #VotingRights NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ GET TODAY’S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/ Join MugClub to watch this show every […]

DO NOT COMPLY! New Tax Proposed for UNVAXXED?? | Louder with Crowder

PROMO CODE: “LwCReturns” for $20 off MugClub annual subscription! Joy Reid wants unvaxxed people taxed, while Ronald McDonald House is tossing out four-year-old cancer patients. We dive into* why they’re all deranged* people. Also, Elizabeth Warren is still a liar,* and Pfizer is still corrupt. Go to https://Built.com and use promo code “Crowder15” to get […]

Elections Are OVER! No More Voter ID! | Louder with Crowder

PROMO CODE: LwCReturns for $20 off annual subscription Joe Biden keeps lying about ‘voting rights’ so we’ll keep debunking his claims. Also, Anthony Fauci had a meltdown on Capitol Hill yesterday. And just how big of sh*thole is New York City? #JoeBiden #VotingRights #Fauci NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ GET TODAY’S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/ Join […]

I'M BACK! Fact-Checking RIDICULOUS Supreme Court COVID Claims | Louder with Crowder

PROMO CODE: “LwCReturns” $20 off annual subscription. Crowder is BACK! We’re fact-checking the dumb things the Supreme Court thinks about COVID. We also preview Joe Biden’s speech opposing voter integrity. And do we have further evidence that Anthony Fauci is a lying liar? #ExposeFauci #SCOTUS #VotingRights NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ GET TODAY’S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: […]