Entries by StevenCrowder

Republicans MUST Replace RBG Immediately! | Dave Landau Guests | Good Morning #MugClub

Steven reviews the left’s reaction to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and their threats of increased violence and rioting leading up to the election. Then he makes the case for Trump and Republicans replacing Ginsburg before the November election. He then turns to examines the recent Senate testimony of Ted Cruz regarding the channel’s censorship on […]

YouTube STRIKES Biden Stream, Crowder Fires Back! | Louder with Crowder

YouTube strikes down our Biden Town Hall Livestream, and Steven has some choice words. Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Check the schedule here: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/schedule/ Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/louder-with-crowder/id929121341 Shop the official #LWC store: https://louderwithcrowdershop.com/ FOLLOW ME: […]

Do Politics Matter in Relationships? | Ash Wednesday

In this Ash Wednesday, Steven and the team discuss what personality traits make for good long-term relationships, their favorite stand-up comedians, and more! Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Check the schedule here: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/schedule/ Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes: […]

#CrowderTrumpStream! Trump’s ABC Town Hall LIVE | Louder With Crowder

Steven livestreams the ABC town hall with President Trump, complete with a drinking game and costume contest (’90s-themed). Use Promo code: CrowderTrumpStream for $20 off an annual subscription to MugClub, expiring midnight, 9/16 Check the schedule here: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/schedule/ Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/louder-with-crowder/id929121341 Shop the official #LWC store: https://louderwithcrowdershop.com/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com/ […]

The Left Doubles Down on ‘Cuties’ Pedo Agenda! | Good Morning #MugClub

Steven covers the #BlackLivesMatter riots in Lancaster as well as the atrocious Los Angeles cop ambush. Then he turns to look at Joe Biden’s complete inability to function without a teleprompter. Finally, we have the latest developments in the drama surrounding Netflix’s “Cuties” and California’s Democratic governor signing a bill to lower penalties for adults […]

The Left Goes Full Anti-Vaccine? | Good Morning #MugClub

Steven discusses the left’s recent pivot to question a COVID vaccine developed under Trump. He also examines the increasing economic recovery and what it means for the election, then considers Kamala Harris’ recent comments that she is “proud” of Jacob Blake in light of his sexual assault charges. Lastly, he turns to look at Chris […]

Chris Cuomo #MeToos Himself on Leaked Phone Call! | Good Morning #MugClub

Steven examines Chris Cuomo’s damning phone call with Michael Cohen and then turns to look at the media’s claim that Portland isn’t experiencing fires or riots. Lastly, he examines the Democrat’s hypocrisy on COVID, beginning with Nancy Pelosi’s breaking lockdown rules to get a salon treatment. Join #MugClub to continue watching this stream: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub MugClubbers […]