Entries by StevenCrowder

FELONY MURDER?! We are now all ‘extremists’…

My take on the Rayshard Brooks case and the murder charge brought against Atlanta officer Garrett Rolfe. Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Check the schedule here: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/schedule/ Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/louder-with-crowder/id929121341 Shop the official #LWC store: […]

The COVID Death Count is Inflated | Change My Mind | Louder with Crowder

Steven Crowder takes to the streets of Dallas to have real conversations with real people. In this installment, Steven discusses the COVID19 death count and the fake news surrounding it. Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Check the schedule here: […]

Inside CHAZ, Seattle’s Autonomous Zone! | Good Morning #MugClub

**Show starts at 5:05** Steven looks into the new state of CHAZ, reviews the media’s lies about the Atlanta shooting, and provides an exclusive look inside the new automonous zone with our on-the-ground correspondent Elijah Schaffer of BlazeTV. Join #MugClub to continue watching this stream: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub MugClubbers can watch and comment here: https://www.blazetv.com/pages/home/l/live 20% off […]

Why the Polls Are Wrong on Trump | Louder with Crowder

Steven explains why the current 2020 election polls can’t be trusted and how they are just being used as a political tool. Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Check the schedule here: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/schedule/ Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/louder-with-crowder/id929121341 […]

#683 CANCEL EVERYTHING BECAUSE RACISM! | Michael Knowles Guests | Louder with Crowder

**Show starts at 4:14** We’re culturally appropriating South Korea, discussing the latest protest news, the cancellation of everything cop-related, and examining why the polls so often get things wrong when it comes to Trump. Joined by guest Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire! Show Guide: Bible Stories Judas Open: 00:04:15 Joke Segment: 00:06:07 Trump Polls […]

TOP 5 Leftist Protester MYTHS | Louder with Crowder

Steven looks at some of the most recent stories about police treating protesters unfairly and uncovers the full context of these videos, revealing that they don’t actually paint a picture of police brutality or white supremacy. Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access […]

John Oliver’s Anti-Cop Lies DEBUNKED! | Good Morning #Mugclub

**Show starts at 4:40** Steven addresses John Oliver’s latest anti-police tirade, demonstrating the #BlackLivesMatter narrative simply doesn’t line up with the facts. Join #MugClub to continue watching this stream: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub MugClubbers can watch and comment here: https://www.blazetv.com/pages/home/l/live 20% off your first order if you go to https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/CROWDER and enter the promo code CROWDER Shop the […]

REBUTTAL: Abolishing the Police?! | Good Morning #MugClub

**Show starts at 7:24** Steven discusses the leftist push to abolish the police and addresses common-ground solutions for improving police departments. Join #MugClub to continue watching this stream: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub MugClubbers can watch and comment here: https://www.blazetv.com/pages/home/l/live 20% off your first order if you go to https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/CROWDER and enter the promo code CROWDER Shop the official […]

Tim Pool Gets His First Gun! | Louder with Crowder

Steven talks with Tim Pool about his recent trouble trying to acquire a firearm in his home state of New Jersey, and has a special surprise for him… Join #MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Use promo codes “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year! Check the schedule here: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/schedule/ Subscribe […]