Entries by The Epoch Times

Footnote in Durham Report Reveals Existence of FBI Report | Trailer | Truth Over News

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/MissingStrzokDocYT FBI lead Trump–Russia investigator Peter Strzok has a habit of showing up at all the key moments in all the key places carrying out his mischief. We already knew that Strzok was the lead Hillary Clinton email investigator and the lead Trump–Russia investigator. We also knew that he was […]

ESG: A movement for a cleaner world or a deceptive ploy?

🔴Get unlimited access to EpochTV for just $1 (Limited Offer): https://ept.ms/1For2Months_YT ESG: A movement for a cleaner world or a deceptive ploy? Its influence is pervasive, steering corporations and swaying our banks, schools, and food supply. What’s its impact on you? Cut through mainstream media and unmask the truth! ⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube […]

ESG: A movement for a cleaner world or a deceptive ploy?

🔴Get unlimited access to EpochTV for just $1 (Limited Offer): https://ept.ms/1For2Months_YT ESG: A movement for a cleaner world or a deceptive ploy? Its influence is pervasive, steering corporations and swaying our banks, schools, and food supply. What’s its impact on you? Cut through mainstream media and unmask the truth! ⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube […]

The FBI’s Illegal Surveillance Is Not New | Trailer | Truth Over News

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/MassiveSurveillanceYT The FBI’s illegal surveillance of American citizens is not something new. It’s been an ongoing problem for years, likely decades. But the magnitude of the problem is something that’s never been fully disclosed—until now. A new report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence indicates just how […]

Top Pollster Says Path to GOP Victory Is Clear—but Which Candidate? | Trailer | Over the Target

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/Rebound2024YT-OT Even Republican consultants say the presidency seems out of reach this time around. With swing states controlled by Democratic governors and legislatures, and lax COVID-era voter laws still in place, the White House is out of reach. But Rich Baris says the experts have it wrong again. The director […]

Something Major Is Happening in China; FBI Folds Under Threat of Contempt | Trailer | Crossroads

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/ChinaPerilYT Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping gave a serious warning during a meeting on May 30 with the top leaders of China’s security forces. He said they need to prepare for “worst case scenarios,” and said the coming times will be “perilous.” Meanwhile, the FBI has folded to threats […]

Who Controls the Minds, Controls the Votes | Trailer | Crossroads Tonight

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/PSYOPS_YT The Intercept revealed a document from February 2023 released by U.S. Special Operations Command. It detailed how the elite warfighters of the United States are looking into new tools for psychological warfare operations. In particular, it seems they want to use “deepfake” videos for military operations. Deepfakes are a […]

Is the Tide Turning Against Climate Agenda Fanatics? | Trailer | Over The Target

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/EnviroManiaYT-OT No one is against clean air and clean water—certainly not here in America, where we have a long history of conservationism. But the climate agenda isn’t about protecting the environment, never mind humans and animals. It’s a dystopian movement led by elected officials from the White House to Congress […]

Kash Patel: It’s Time to Fence the FBI’s Money & Force Them to Release Subpoenaed Document | TEASER

🔴 PREMIERE 8pm ET on @EpochTV: https://ept.ms/Y0602FBIUnderFire ⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLc4heXqG9dtL7jiPHMBfQ?Sub_confirmation=1 🔴 Check out ‘The Real Story of January 6’ documentary DVD here: https://ept.ms/3cxGVEO, use promo code “EpochTV” for 20% off! The FBI has repeatedly declined a request from House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) to hand over an internal […]