Entries by The Epoch Times

Fake Narratives and Government-Funded Media Exposed in Debate on Twitter Labels | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/1DollarNOW1 Twitter has begun placing labels on the pages of several news outlets, indicating whether they receive government funding. Outlets include NPR, BBC, and several others. And as the outlets have attempted to challenge the labels, details on the amount of state funding they receive has sparked debate online over […]

CCP Police Department in NYC Gets Shut Down | Trailer | Crossroads

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/CCPPoliceInNYC_CR_YT The Chinese regime has established police departments outside its borders, including in New York City where officials announced criminal charges against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents. Among the individuals being charged are members of the CCP’s Ministry of Public Security, and the crackdown could help shut down similar […]

Leaving California: The Untold Story | Documentary | Trailer | Epoch Original

“Leaving California: The Untold Story” is a feature-length documentary that portrays the growing challenges of living in California, causing an unprecedented mass exodus. Siyamak Khorrami, television host of California Insider and editor of The Epoch Times Southern California, takes viewers on an intimate journey of love, loss, tragedy, and hope as California residents face the […]

When It Comes to Democrats and Real Campaign Violations, ‘There Is No Justice’ | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/RealElectionCollusionYT As Mark Levin recently noted, when it comes to Democrats and real campaign violations, “there is no justice.” In contrast to the ridiculous charges leveled against Trump, Levin provides a series of concrete examples of Democrat campaign violations, including the $719,000 in fines against participants in the 1996 Democratic […]

What is the Chinese Communist Party’s Global Strategy to Cripple America? | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/FreeFromCCPYT-OT Just as the Founding Fathers declared their independence from Great Britain, we Americans must now separate ourselves from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). For decades, U.S. political and corporate elites—from the White House to Wall Street and from state capitals to Hollywood—have betrayed U.S. voters to fill their own […]

Obfuscation & Lies, from Intel Leaks to Afghanistan | Kash’s Corner

🔴 Watch the Full Episode HERE 👉 https://ept.ms/Y0414IntelLeaksLies ⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLc4heXqG9dtL7jiPHMBfQ?Sub_confirmation=1 🔴 Check out ‘The Real Story of January 6’ documentary DVD here: https://ept.ms/3cxGVEO, use promo code “EpochTV” for 20% off! Why is the FBI targeting churches? Who approved the memos singling out Catholic churches and associating terms like […]

Epoch TV Streaming | Watch Now

🔴 EpochTV EXCLUSIVES. Only $1 Trial (Limited Offer): https://ept.ms/1DollarNOW Stay informed with EpochTV – your source for unbiased conservative news, daily updates, opinion, breaking news, exclusive interviews, and more. With a focus on investigative journalism, we provide a unique perspective on world events and culture. Subscribe for free and join Roman for a thought-provoking viewing […]

Is America’s Foreign Intelligence Service Interfering in US Elections? | Trailer | Over the Target

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/CIACensorship2YT-OT Over the last decade, the U.S. government has turned its attention from hostile foreign actors to ordinary American citizens. It’s the assault on our constitutional rights that threatens to turn a beacon of democracy into a third-world security regime. And in the middle of this “whole of society” approach […]

Trevor Loudon’s ‘House Un-Americans’: Part 1 | Trailer | Counter Punch

🔵 Watch the Full Episode 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/HouseUnAmericans_yt Trevor Loudon introduces part 1 of his six-book series “House Un-Americans.” Loudon’s first book profiles 13 currently-serving U.S. Congress members, from Alabama to Northern California. Loudon looks at their ties to the Chinese Communist Party, Iran, Cuba, and a host of domestic communists and radicals. These are the […]