Entries by The Epoch Times

From the Very Beginning, the Lab Leak Theory Was the Only Viable Theory (Part 2) | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/TheEvidenceforaLabLeakPart2YT Earlier in the week we aired Part One of a Two Part Special – detailing events at Wuhan up to December 2019 as the pandemic started. Now we’ll shift our focus, examining events that transpired as the pandemic unfolded. Specifically, the cover up of Covid’s true origins that began […]

Trump Says He’ll Be Arrested Tuesday; Calls for Protests to ‘Take Our Nation Back’ | CLIP

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/TrumpsComingArrestYT Former President Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested this Tuesday, under charges related to Stormy Daniels in New York that were leaked to the media. The nation now waits to see whether Trump will be extradited from Florida to New York, and whether the Biden administration will […]

Scott Adams Speaks Out About Why He Said What He Said | Shorts | The Larry Elder Show

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/ScottAdamSpeaksYT “Dilbert” cartoonist, satirist, and political commentator Scott Adams, who formerly identified as a black man, has been canceled over comments he made that some people have alleged to be racist. However, the cartoonist said on his podcast “Coffee With Scott Adams” that he was using hyperbole, “meaning an exaggeration,” […]

Golitsyn: The Key to Understanding Today’s Unfolding World Revolution | Shorts | Counter Punch

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/KGBDefector_YT Sixty years ago, a top Soviet defector predicted the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. He warned that the changes were faked to undermine Western military preparedness. When the West was sufficiently weakened, Russia and China would unite for an all-out attack on the United States. Are we almost […]

From the Very Beginning, the Lab Leak Theory Was the Only Viable Theory | Shorts | Truth Over News

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/TheLabLeakEvidencePart1YT A recent assessment from the Energy Department found that the COVID-19 virus likely emerged from a Chinese lab. Since that report, the corporate media has pivoted sharply in its coverage of the origin of the pandemic. Previously, any information about a lab origin was rigorously suppressed, but now corporate […]

Trump Grand Jury Delayed; CCP-Brokered Saudi-Iran Deal Is Disaster for US | Kash’s Corner

🔵 Watch the Full Episode 👉 https://ept.ms/Y0324GrandJuryDelayed ⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLc4heXqG9dtL7jiPHMBfQ?Sub_confirmation=1 Why was the Manhattan grand jury unexpectedly delayed in the alleged Trump “hush money” case? Did District Attorney Alvin Bragg withhold exculpatory evidence? “As a prosecutor, you’re not allowed to withhold evidence of innocence or something that might be […]

China Reports 1st Co-infection Of Omicron Subvariants | China In Focus

⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉 https://ept.ms/TikTokGrilled_YT ⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLc4heXqG9dtL7jiPHMBfQ?Sub_confirmation=1 🔴 Check out ‘The Real Story of January 6’ documentary DVD here: https://ept.ms/3cxGVEO, use promo code “EpochTV” for 20% off! 🔴 “The Shadow State,” a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the […]

America Is ‘The Least Racist White-Majority Society in the World’ | Shorts | The Larry Elder Show

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/EqualityVsEquityYT Even Bernie Sanders has acknowledged that equality is about equal opportunity and differs from equity, which is about equal outcomes. He has stated that he is in favor of equality. However, what today’s social justice warriors complain about has little to do with “equal rights” and more to do […]