Entries by The Epoch Times

Congress Unites on Punishing the CCP for Organ Harvesting | Trailer | Crossroads

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/OrganHarvestingExposedYT Republicans and Democrats have joined together to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for organ harvesting. The CCP has been exposed for using prisoners of conscience and religious believers as living sources for its trade in human organs. Meanwhile, U.S. agencies are past due to release details on […]

The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America

Watch Now 👉http://www.EpochTV.com/TheFinalWar Stay alert America! China’s 100-year plan to defeat the U.S. is no longer a distant threat! The recent spy balloon incident is a stark reminder of what’s at stake. Watch The Final War documentary to uncover the truth behind U.S.-China relations and discover shocking revelations about the CCP’s ultimate goal. #TheFinalWar #China […]

Fed Tries to Stop Unfolding Bank Crisis | Trailer | Crossroads

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/UnfoldingBankCrisisYT The Federal Reserve and the Biden administration are attempting to stop the unfolding crisis on America’s banks. Despite new measures taken to ensure that depositors are able to get money from troubled banks, upsets in the stock market and problems threatening regional banks suggest the crisis isn’t over. Meanwhile, […]

Is the White House Backing Efforts to Topple Foreign Leaders? | Trailer | Over the Target

🔵 Watch the full episode: https: https://ept.ms/ProtestPoliticsYT-OT Demonstrations in Israel are designed to bring down the government, and the Biden administration is behind the scenes, funding the protestors. Israel is a U.S. ally, but the White House wants a different man in charge. So the Biden team is deploying the same tools and tactics it […]

Is Violence Within Hip Hop Industry Life Imitating Art?: Adrian Norman | Trailer | Crossroads

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/CyclesofViolence It’s a frequent and unfortunate story in the United States that hip hop artists, often very young, end up getting killed by gun violence. Is there something in the music that leads to this? Is there something in the culture? More importantly, what’s the impact of this when it’s […]

Media Promoted False COVID Narrative | Trailer | Truth Over News

🔵 Watch the Full Episode 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/MediasCOVIDPivotYT Late last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Department of Energy had concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak. The Journal’s reporting was according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. But […]

Trump Proposes ‘Freedom Cities’ and Flying Cars | Trailer | Crossroads

🔵 Watch the full episode: https://ept.ms/FreedomCitiesYT Former President Donald Trump is proposing new types of high-tech cities in the United States, which he calls “Freedom Cities.” The vision of free principles and high technologies such as flying cars would be his answer to compete with the Chinese Communist Party on cutting-edge developments, and against the […]

LIVE: Alec Baldwin, ‘Rust’ Armorer Appear to a Virtual Court

⭕️SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLc4heXqG9dtL7jiPHMBfQ?Sub_confirmation=1 🔴 Check out ‘The Real Story of January 6’ documentary DVD here: https://ept.ms/3cxGVEO, use promo code “EpochTV” for 20% off! 🔴 “The Shadow State,” a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry. ORDER DVD: https://ept.ms/3XxcWir […]