BOMBSHELL: Fauci Emails Dropped, Show Some SHADY Work | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 792

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, and they show Fauci ignoring MULTIPLE attempts from scientists warning him of “unusual features” about the virus that looked “engineered” and that China was likely lying about their death numbers. A meatpacking plant was hit by a cyberattack over the weekend. First a pipeline is hacked, next a meatpacking plant. At what point will President Biden admit that we have a problem? Meanwhile, Biden is suspending oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Because gas prices weren’t high enough as it is. And lastly, Biden says black entrepreneurs are just as good as white entrepreneurs, “but they don’t have lawyers” or “accountants.”

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