84 YR Old Charged in Shooting of Black Teenager Who Went to Wrong House Our Response

84 YR Old Charged in Shooting of Black Teenager Who Went…

Republican Destroys Democrat

Race Baiting Democrat Says Something Dumb Then Gets Owned…

Black Teens Take Over Downtown Chicago Causing Chaos and Destruction

Black Teens Take Over Downtown Chicago Causing Chaos and…

Bud Light Dylan Mulvaney Backlash

Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light’s Transgender Influencer hodgetwins…

Trump Is a Political Prisoner

Political prisoners are defined as individuals that are…

Lebron In Pink Dress

Well, LeBron James wearing a pink skirt while carrying…

Jon Stewart Weird Philosophy on Guns & Drag Queens

Jon Stewart Weird Philosophy on Guns & Drag Queens…

Race Baiting Democrat Says Something Dumb Then Gets Owned By Republican

Race Baiting Democrat Says Something Dumb Then Gets Owned…

What Is A Woman?

Chris Hipkins, New Zealand's newly elected Prime Minister,…

Man Goes Off On Lego Cashiers Wearing LGBTQ Flags

Man Goes Off On Lego Cashiers Wearing LGBTQ Flags Join…