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Chicago Mayor Tells Residents Stop Using Cash To Stop Muggings

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WOW He Needs Money!

ENTER OUR NEW JEEP GIVEAWAY: https://hodgetwins.goingbigly.com/order-form1674499789446 Grifter…

Louis C.K. Says The Borders Should Be Open To End Inequality

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Paul Pelosi Body Camera Video & 911 Call Released

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WOW! He Does it Again!

ENTER OUR NEW JEEP GIVEAWAY: https://hodgetwins.goingbigly.com/order-form1674499789446 This…

Antifa shoots at Cops then burns police car & Riots in Georgia

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Non-binary teacher uses Black doll to teach gender identity to 4-5 year olds

LGBTQ non-binary teacher uses a doll to teach gender identity…

Gay Couple Charged With Molesting adopted boys pimped sons out to pedophile ring

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Mall Security Kicks Out Man for Wearing Jesus Saves Shirt

Security guard calls mall man’s ‘Jesus Saves’ shirt…