Is This What’s Driving The Gen-Z Vote?
@MegynKelly asks @XAVIAERD what's driving the Gen-Z vote.

It’s International Literacy Day!
Check out The Book Club where @MichaelKnowles and guests…

Joe Rogan SLAMS The New York Times Over Calling The Constitution “Dangerous”
Check out our Constitution 101 series at link in bio.

REACTIONS: Should Big Tech Censor Speech?
@aldobuttazzoni goes to Washington, D.C. to find out what…

Why Designate the Cartels as Terrorists? | Real Talk
Border intelligence expert Jaeson Jones explains what tools…

Just gonna leave this here.

NFL Features Black National Anthem For First Game
The National Anthem is for all Americans.

Cartel Leader’s Arrest Sparks “Retaliation” Fears & Hochul’s Ex-Aide Charged as Chinese Spy: 9/6/24
Border agents brace for “retaliatory attacks” after…

REACTIONS: Is Government Wasting Your Tax Dollars?
The answer is yes.

Climate Activist “Solves” Global Warming by Glueing Hand To Ground
The climate crisis is solved.