Communist TAKEOVER in Philadelphia

They're not even hiding it anymore.

Hot Wheels, Cold Hard Cash: Clean Cruise Detailing | The Hustle

Do you want your business to clean up? Then focus on the…

Give Up The Right to Vote or Right to Abortion?

CJ Pearson asked people what they would prefer giving up:…

Life Under Socialism: Venezuelans REFUSE to Leave Voting Centers

Venezuelans refused to leave voting centers this week after…

Leftists’ INSANE Response When Asked if They Support The Failed Assassination of Trump

Ami Horowitz asks people their thoughts on the failed assassination…

Druze Lives Matter | Real Talk

Who are the Druze people? In the aftermath of a Hezbollah…

REACTIONS: Do People Regret The COVID Vaccine?

@aldobuttazzoni went to Compton, CA to ask people if they…

Do You Regret Getting the Jab? | Man on the Street

There has been ongoing debate in the U.S. about vaccine…

DEI Hire or Lack of Training?

@XAVIAERD reacts to a viral clip of a female officer improperly…

Is This The Most Woke Kid’s Book of All Time?

Yes, this is a real book.