My son does identify as a cat

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Dr. Phil vs Trans Agenda!

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How Do Parents Feel about PragerU in Arizona Schools?

Arizona is joining Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, and…

Russian Missile Nearly Strikes Zelensky, UN Appoints Transgender, STDs Spike at the Border: 3/8/24

It turns out EVs emit far worse particle pollution than…

Cash Course: The Basics of Inheritance

How is wealth transferred from generation to generation?…

This Mom Saved her Daughter from the Trans Cult!

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Life Advice for the Next Generation— Fireside Chat Ep. 331

See the full episode: This…

Tim Kennedy Calls Biological Men in Woman's MMA EVIL

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How Do Parents Feel about PragerU in Arizona Schools?

Arizona is joining Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, and…

Xaviaer wants an APOLOGY!

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