Would MLK Support Critical Race Theory? – Will & Amala LIVE
0:00 - Will-amina Witt Wins an Emmy!
2:09 - MJ Rodriguez…

Storytime: Otto's Tales — King Alfred and the Cakes
Through this English folktale, we learn why taking individual…

$2,000 Monthly Stimulus Checks for All Americans?? – Will & Amala LIVE
0:00 - Brian Stelter Reporting on Cuba Skit 1:44 - Thousands…

The Georgia Reform Law: Who Wants Fair Elections?
There are a lot of partisan political issues out there,…

Superman Calls Out WOKE Captain America
0:00 - Welcome to iCarly!
2:10 - iCarly Actress Complains…

Fireside Chat Ep. 194 — Do You Want to Understand the Middle East?
How do you make sense of the Israel-Palestinian conflict?…

EXPOSED: 25 School Districts Teaching “Whiteness is the DEVIL”
0:00 - Progressivism is Fascism
1:34 - 25 School Districts…

Leo & Layla’s History Adventures with Paul Revere
Thanks to an unexpected encounter, Leo and Layla learn…

Rachel Nichols CANCELED For Questioning ESPN Diversity Policy?
0:00 - Check Your Privilege
3:38 - School Teacher's Privilege…

Marvel’s New Captain America Says American Dream Is a Lie
0:00 - Intersectionality Hiring
2:12 - Chris Rufo: Raytheon…