Stories of Us: Amanda Ensing
“They couldn’t attack my message, so they just wanted…

Transgenders Who REGRET Transitioning: Will & Amala React
Will and Amala go live today to talk about the 60 Minutes'…

If you ask most people to explain what Watergate was all…

WHAT? NYC Sponsors Drag Queen Show for Kids
On today’s livestream, Will and Amala are joined by very…

Fireside Chat Ep. 187 — Deconstructing John Oliver on Israel and Palestine
Big media names FAWNED over John Oliver’s segment this…

Texas PROVES the Left Was Wrong About COVID
Will and Amala are back from the US/Mexico Border to talk…

Critical Race Theory: The Anti-Civil Rights Movement
Author, mathematician, and founder of NewDiscourses.com,…

Why Do Woke Athletes and Celebrities Play the Victim?
"Kaepernick, LeBron James, and Nike's other brand influencers…

Why Are Today’s Young People So Anxious and Depressed?
Today, Will Witt and Amala Ekpunobi break down McDonald's…

Leo & Layla’s History Adventures with President Ronald Reagan
Leo and Layla meet Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of…