Would You Take Your Child Out of This School For This? Link in Bio.
Sign the petition to #StopWokeEducation at link in bio.
PragerU Kids Is Now in Idaho Schools | PragerU
Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield…
Is a College Degree Still Worth it?
What do you think?
Will University Students Proudly Take a U.S. Flag? | Man on The Street | PragerU
Since our country's founding, the U.S. flag has been a…
Donate ANY Amount and Get A Pair of American Flag Socks. Link in Bio.
Donate any amount today and we will send you American flag…
Are Soft on Crime Policies Making American Cities Less Safe? | PragerU
Almost every criminal justice reform enacted over the last…
Why Are Gang Members Getting Away with Murdering Kids? | PragerU
When 4-year-old "MJ" was tragically murdered in a gang…
Their Lives Mattered: The Forgotten Victims of Crime in America. Watch Now at Link in Bio.
Ex-BLM activist @XAVIAERD exposes how innocent kids become…