The Pope Said WHAT about Hell? | Fireside Chat
Dennis disagrees with Pope Francis's recent comments about…
Look What’s Happening in Brazil 👀
A massive protest for free speech in Brazil.
Transgender Athlete Who Competed in Women’s Sports: “I Achieved My Dream”
Sign the petition to #SaveWomensSports at link in bio.
The Transgender Indoctrination is REAL
From London to Mississippi: Why I Love America | 5 Minute Videos
Former UK member of Parliament Douglas Carswell believes…
Who’s Gonna Tell her?
Looks like someone skipped out on biology class.
Preferred Pronouns Are Make Believe
How should you respond to someone who asks for your preferred…
Is Death Scarier for an Atheist? | Fireside Chat
Why would an atheist be scared of dying? Dennis offers…
Is This What’s Driving The Gen-Z Vote?
@MegynKelly asks @XAVIAERD what's driving the Gen-Z vote.
It’s International Literacy Day!
Check out The Book Club where @MichaelKnowles and guests…