Is The West Becoming a Welfare State?
What do you think?

PragerU CEO Marissa Streit: This is Why I Do Real Talk
Listen to @realtalkwithmarissa anywhere you get your podcasts.

Are Young People Addicted to Social Media? Watch The Void at Link in Bio.
Watch our new short documentary The Void: Finding Happiness…

Keep Men Who Identify as Women OUT of Women’s Sports. Link in bio.
Sign our petition to #SaveWomensSports at link in bio.

Should We Honor Christopher Columbus?
Why do we celebrate Columbus Day? Ben Shapiro and Alana…

Government: Too Big to Fix? | 5 Minute Videos | PragerU
For the past fifty years, the government has dramatically…

@XAVIAERD DEBUNKS The Reparations Argument
Well said.

A Teacher’s Fight Against Woke Education
Sign the petition to #StopWokeEducation at link in bio.