Media Smears Child Football Fan, UN Says Stop Eating Meat, Mark Cuban for President?: 12/1/2023

@realcjpearson The media accuses a young boy of being…

No one even knows how to turn on TV anymore.

@XAVIAER #tv #media #shorts

Does America First Mean America Only? — Ep. 317 Fireside Chat

Watch the full episode: As…

Gov. Exists to SECURE Freedom Not Grant It

@aldobuttazzoni #ireland #government #usa

Arab Muslim Woman Speaks Out About Hamas’s Lies

@realtalkwithmarissa #israel #hamas #palestinian …

The media is really grasping for outrage stories.

@aldobuttazzoni #fakenews #nfl #shorts

UFC champ sounds off on men fighting women.

#jorgemasvidal #ufc #sports Watch the full episode of…

GOOD NEWS, PARENTS! San Diego County charter school drops transgender student secrecy policy..

GOOD NEWS, PARENTS! San Diego Country charter school drops…

Happiness is a verb.
