Douglas Murray Gets It Right on Why Things Are Going Wrong in the West | Real Talk

Douglas Murray is an investigative journalist and the author…

Elon Musk vs. The Woke Mind Virus

What once was the start of healthy debate is now just as…

You Have to See The Leftist HYPOCRISY on Donald Trump

Leftists claim tolerance but only when it is convenient…

Who Would Do This to Their Kids?

Make it stop.

Fentanyl Is Killing Us | 5 Minute Videos

Experimenting with pills has never been deadlier because…

Ricky Gervais SLAMS Woke Culture

Ricky Gervais is fed up with people being "offended" by…

Here’s The TRUTH About Climate Change

In the words of Greta Thunberg, how dare you!

Heather Mac Donald Comes Out Swinging against BLM, DEI, and Affirmative Action

Is America ready to be post-racial? Xaviaer DuRousseau…

LOL: This is What a Leftist Nightmare Looks Like

Why do leftists fear these things? @XAVIAERD

This is INSANE

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