Fireside Chat Ep. 175 — Dealing With the Woke Mob

Cancel culture and "wokeness" dominate our culture. If…

What Is a Conservative?

Will Witt is back at the University of Texas, Austin asking…

Bill Maher: CA businesses leaving in droves

Even Bill Maher has recognized the result of unchecked…

What Are Your Kids Learning in School?

Has the leftist indoctrination so prevalent in college…

The Candace Owens Show: Carol Swain

The Left has created a slew of terms such as “white guilt”…

Fireside Chat Ep. 174 — A Dialogue About God and Ayn Rand

What is the source of morality? Atheist and founder of…

Corporate Virtue Signaling Is Not Real Justice

Corporations have been jumping on "social justice" trends…

The Book Club: Middlemarch by George Eliot with Heather Mac Donald

Is a life of duty and self-sacrifice noble or ridiculous?…

A Father’s Questions for Black Lives Matter

Dan Collins is the proud father of thirteen children. Eight…

Fireside Chat Ep. 173 — Love vs. Blood: The Case for Adoption

You may have doubts that a parent's love for their adopted…